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50th Anniversary Logo

Our Heritage

Navneet Industry find its values deeply rooted in the Indian culture where the logic find itself scripted in each verse of our religious manuscripts. In Sanatana Dharma, animals are subject of reverence, that’s why many a Hindu deity take the form of animals or with animals. And Cows holds the highest place of all. The Holy Cow is an ideal animal in Brahma’s creation for it is believed to be the adobe of God and hence the symbol of compassion and universal symbol of motherhood.

त्वं माता सर्वदेवानां त्वं च यज्ञस्य कारणम्।
त्वं तीर्थं सर्वतीर्थाना नमस्तेऽस्तु सदानघे ।।

Twam maata sarwadevana twam cha yagyasya
Twam tirth sarvteerthanaam namastestu sadalaghe

Hey! The destroyer of sins, you are the mother of all gods. You are the ‘pilgrimages’, you are the holiest. I bow down to you.

The cow is considered the most revered as it is the harbinger of wealth and nutrition for it is the helper of the farmer who feeds you three times a day. It is known that no civilization can survive the time if its agricultural economy is not made sustainable. The cow is the lifeline of that agricultural economy.

Shri Manik Chand Bohra Ji- The visionary behind Navneet Cattle Feed Industry

With the vision to empower the agricultural economy and support the Green Revolution, the Late Shree Manik Chand Bohra Ji laid the foundation of Navneet Industries. A freedom fighter & an ardent nationalist, a true leader in all aspects. Inspired by Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, Late Shri Manik Chand Ji started this journey to make an Indian farmer self-sustaining and empowered. unit His sojourn as a freedom fighter taught him the in throes of independence, the taste of dignity of life and labour and the need for a flourishing economy.
In the wake of newly gained independence and inspired by the company of great minds like Vinoba ji and other freedom fighters he spearheaded the establishment dairy farm for cows in Wardha. Since then, Shree Manik Chand Bohra Ji, has helped the agricultural economy by devoting himself to the help increase yield and productivity by providing a range of products for their cattle. He has always been a firm believer in the adage- ``There is no substitute for hard work.`` His unyielding dedication and passion for his work are an inspiration for all of us at Navneet Industries. With this deep spiritual connection, the values and the philosophy of Navneet Industries find themselves deeply rooted in the belief of Service Before Self.
It was during these trying times of nation-building, a great son of the soil, late. Shri Manik Chand Bohra Ji came like a ray of hope for the farmers and their cattle. He did several experiments so that the livestock could get the best compound feed. From 1966 to 1972 Rajasthan suffered major droughts. Along with Rajasthan Govt. & several other social organisations Shri Bohra Ji organised several drought relief camps in order to save the cattle. At this time, he was the secretary for Rajasthan Gau Seva Sangh. This was the base of the starting of the glorious journey of our business empire of Navneet Cattle Feed Industries. The majestic & magnificent experience of the last many decades has been the strong foundation on which Mr Bohra’s successors have taken the business to new horizons.
Under his visionary leadership, Navneet Industries has become one of the leading companies in India that provides a range of products and services to support the agricultural sector. We are committed to continuing his legacy and ensuring that we provide the best possible products and services to our customers.